exhibit displays the partial contents of encapsulation header.

A. This is a UDP header
B. This is an OSI layer 4 header.
C. This is traffic from an FTP server.
D. This is traffic from an Telnet client.
E. The last PDU received in this session had a sequence number of 292735.

Answer: B, C, E

As the header contains the sequence number and ACK number fields, it represents a TCP header. Choice B is correct as TCP works on Layer 4 i.e. Transport Layer.
Source Port mentioned in the header is 21 which indicate it is FTP Traffic because FTP uses port 20 and 21 for data and control. So choice C is correct.
The acknowledgment number refers to the sequence number of the last PDU received, which is 292735, making choice E also correct.
A groan grasps the peanut near the offending anthology.